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The Bride's Christmas Pregnancy Wish Page 3

  It was a habit she'd picked up from Mom. Since she'd had all boys, Mom had latched onto Gabbie as her surrogate daughter. She'd grown up alongside us, was practically a sister to all of us. Which was all the more reason for me to keep my dick in my pants and not try to force myself on her. I'd already long ago accepted that fact. Now I just needed to get my brothers to understand that.

  I doubted dinner would be enough to get it through their thick skulls though. But I was ever the optimist.

  The drive back to the house gave me time to think. It was hard not to wish Aspen was right, that Gabriella really was interested in me that way. But it was wishful thinking, nothing more. Why would she ever be interested in me that way? The guys all thought of her as our sister. And she thought of them as her brothers. Why would she think of me any differently?

  Hell, I should've been thinking of her as a sister. And I did for a while. I couldn't even tell you when that changed, when I started thinking of her as something more. I just wished I could go back to how things used to be, back to thinking of her as a sister or a friend and less like a lover.

  The guys were right behind me when we pulled into the driveway. I pushed those thoughts out of my mind, afraid one of them might notice where my thoughts had gone and turn them against me. It was silly, since they weren't actually mind readers, but my brothers had an uncanny knack for picking up on just the things I wanted to keep from them.

  "I don't know about the two of you, but I'm starving!" Christian proclaimed as he lumbered out of his car. He grinned at us and slammed the door shut before striding over. "I hope Gabbie's cooking is still as good as it used to be!"

  It had been a while since Christian had been over. He'd distanced himself from us for a while, diving into his work. But ever since the vow renewing ceremony, he'd rejoined the family, alongside his fiancé, Jade. They’d even gotten a house down here so they could spend more time with us. Heck, other than Aspen, I rarely saw my brothers. Jack was always busy with something or another, even now. He hadn't even been able to make it to the ceremony.

  "Oh trust me, her cooking is still as good as ever." I patted my stomach, grinning at them. I had to spend a good bit of time in the gym to burn off the calories Gabbie insisted on feeding me. Her food was well worth spending my mornings at the office gym.

  The guys laughed as we headed inside. Music floated through the house, coming from the kitchen. It was some upbeat pop tune I didn't recognize. As much as Gabbie and I had in common, our tastes in music were not one of them. I could only imagine who she was listening to, no doubt dancing her way through the kitchen like she normally did.

  When I looked over at Aspen, he was dancing and swaying along with the beat, and I rolled my eyes. It was no wonder him and Gabbie got along so well. They probably had the most in common. It was a wonder they hadn't been the ones who'd gotten married. Aspen's marriage hadn't worked out, but perhaps he'd have had a steadier relationship with Gabbie instead.

  Something welled up inside me at that thought. I didn't want Aspen to be married to Gabbie. I didn't want anyone else married to Gabbie. Not that I would stop her from marrying someone else. But I didn't like the idea of her being with anyone else. I wanted her to be with me.

  I was so absorbed in my thoughts I didn't notice when the guys had stopped talking and frozen in place. I kept walking a couple more steps until Gabbie squeaking jarred me out of my dream world. Eyes wide open, I stood there, unable to move, trying to comprehend what I was seeing.

  Gabbie was in the kitchen dancing all right. At least she had been when we'd walked in. Except, unlike when I normally found her in the kitchen, she was completely naked. Until she'd spotted us, her entire body had been on display, every inch of her visible to me and my brothers. Now she was trying in vain to cover herself with her hands, but it wasn't doing all that much.

  Laughter echoed behind me as Christian and Aspen lost control of themselves. I looked back and glared at the two of them, regretting having invited them back to the house. At least they seemed to avert their eyes. Otherwise, I might have murdered them both.

  "I uh...." Gabbie stuttered from across the kitchen. She hadn't moved from where she'd frozen, her hands still awkwardly trying to cover herself. "Uhh... uh." Not only had her body frozen but her mind had too. She stuttered, trying to speaking, though God only knew what she was trying to say.

  "We should go," Christian said through his laughter. He'd taken a step back and turned so Gabbie wouldn't be in his line of sight anymore. "I think the two of you have a lot to talk about."

  I glared at him but nodded. Sure, Gabbie could just go upstairs and get dressed, but I could only imagine how awkward dinner would be after something like this. No, it was better if they both left and we tried for dinner another night. A night when my wife wasn't dancing naked in our kitchen in front of my brothers.

  God, how was I ever going to live this down?

  Aspen nodded his agreement with Christian's statement. Then, he looked me in the eyes and grinned, the smug, little bastard. "Remember what I said." Then, he winked and the two of them headed back toward the front door, laughter still spurting out randomly.

  I closed my eyes and took deep breaths, trying to clear my mind. Gabbie was still right behind me, and I had to think of something to say, something to do. But no matter what I did, all I could see in my mind was her naked body. She'd been moving so gracefully as she danced to the beat, her hips swaying, breasts bouncing.

  Now that my brothers were gone, her nakedness was all I could think about. My cock was rock hard beneath my jeans and refused to go down. God fucking damn it, I thought to myself. How the Hell was I ever going to get that sight out of my mind? It wasn't the first time I'd seen Gabbie naked. We couldn't be married and share a bed together without ever seeing each other nude.

  But it was the most sensual, erotic, thing I'd ever seen.

  As if I wasn't already having enough trouble keeping my cock in line. Now what was I going to do?



  The sound of a jet engine filled my ears as I stared at Nick's back. My heart raced, my entire body shook. If my body hadn't been frozen in time, I probably would have passed out from sheer embarrassment. When Emma had hurriedly whispered her idea into my ear, all I could do was giggle and imagine Nick's face when he came home and found me naked, waiting for him.

  He wouldn't be able to ignore that!

  But I hadn't planned on him inviting his brothers back to the house! I mean, I knew he was meeting up with them for drinks, but that didn't mean they'd be coming home with him.

  God, how could my life go this wrong? I wondered. Every time I tried to make a move on Nick, it went wrong in the worst ways possible. How was I supposed to look at my husband now, knowing two out of three of his brothers had just seen me naked? I loved Aspen and Christian, but I hadn't wanted them to see me naked.

  Tears streamed down my face, and I brushed them away, movement slowly coming back. I couldn't go back in time and abort this plan, but I had to do something. I had to salvage the night.

  Nick hadn't turned around after his brother's left. He probably couldn't even stand to look at me, knowing what I'd done. A good part of me wanted to flee upstairs and put on clothes, then lock myself in the bathroom and cry for a few hours. That's what I'd have done years ago, but I refused to do that now. I was a grown woman, and I wasn't going to run and hide from my problems.

  I walked over to him, one step at a time. It was like moving through molasses, but I didn't give up, wouldn't give up. It took hours before I finally stood right behind Nick. At least, that's how it felt, but I wasn't thinking clearly right then. Tentatively, I reached out and placed a hand on his shoulder. That little bit of contact seemed to kickstart Nick.

  He whirled around to face me, standing only inches away as he towered over me. His gaze burned into me as his eyes worked their way up and down my naked body. I wanted to cover myself, but I refused to. Even though I was embarrassed as Hel
l, I wasn't going to let him know that. The whole point of this was to show him just how much I want him, how much I wanted to give myself to him.

  I was tired of his noble knight crap. I know he only married me because it was the only way for me to inherit my father's company. But I wanted more than that, and I knew he had to. Otherwise, he wouldn't have agreed to stay married to me.

  No, I wasn't going to flinch away from him. I would not run and hide. It was time he stepped up as a husband and gave me what I so desperately needed.

  "I didn't know Christian and Aspen would be coming back with you," I said at least. There wasn't any sense in beating around the bush anymore. "I was just hoping to surprise you."

  "Well, I'm certainly surprised." Despite his words, his voice was even and flat. He'd been surprised earlier, but now he'd pushed down all of his emotions deep inside himself. Frustration welled up inside me as I stared into his eyes. I could see the lust in there, could see my own desires reflected right back at me. But damn it, if only he would act on those desires!

  "So...." I said, batting my eyelashes at him. Seduction wasn't my strong suit, but damn it, I was naked in front of the man. Wasn't that enough of a hint to what I wanted.

  Nick took a deep breath and nodded. "You should probably go get dressed," he said at last.

  My hands balled into fists as I stared wide-eyed at him. I was naked, offering myself to him, and he wanted me to go get dressed? Seriously? What the Hell was wrong with this man? "What?" I managed to squeak out.

  "You should go get dressed," he repeated. He took another deep breath, then let it out slowly. "I should've let you know we were on our way home, given you a chance to make yourself decent. I'm sorry about that."

  "What if I don't want to make myself decent?!" I shot back at him. Anger lashed out inside me, and I struggled to keep it under control. Not sure how much more I could handle, I turned and stalked back into the kitchen, finding the glass of wine I'd been sipping on, and downing the rest of it. The dry, fruity, taste washed over me, but it wasn't enough to settle my frayed nerves.

  It had taken so much to push myself to do this. Strutting around naked and throwing myself at guys was not something I normally did. And then Aspen and Christian had seen it all too. Christian would probably be gentlemanly enough to never mention the day again. Aspen however... God, I'd never live this moment down.

  But even after all of that, it would've been worth it if only my husband would get his god damned head out of his ass already!

  "What do you mean?" Nick asked from the other side of the room. He still hadn't moved from that spot. I'd envisioned him coming home, finding me naked, and scooping me up to make love to me right then and there. Hell, it didn't even need to be romantic or sensual or anything like that. I just wanted him to fuck me for crying out loud!

  I took a deep breath, held it for a couple seconds, then let it out slowly, trying to quell the maelstrom raging inside me. Instead of answering right away, I turned and poured myself another glass of wine. I fought back the urge to down it in one gulp and sipped at it as I peered at him over the rim of the glass. I couldn't figure out what to say to the man.

  There was so much I wanted to say, so much I needed to say. But none of the words felt right. None would come out, no matter how hard I tried. I clutched the wine glass, trying to keep my hand from visibly shaking. "Maybe we should have gotten that divorce," I said at last, wincing as the words came out of my mouth.

  Nick stared at me. He opened his mouth like he was going to say something, then clamped it shut again. He did that two more times as I sipped my wine, still wanting to run and hide.

  I took a deep breath, then downed the rest of my wine. "I'll go get dressed," I said as I set the glass down on the counter. Blinking tears from my eyes, I tried to brush passed him, but he reached out and wrapped his fingers around my wrist, stopping me in place.

  "What do you mean?" he asked in that tightly controlled voice of his.

  I looked up into his eyes and glared. I wanted so badly to cry, but I refused to let any tears fall. I wouldn't let him see just how much he upset me. "Leave me alone," I said at last, refusing to even blink as I looked at him.

  "No," he said, tightening his grip on my wrist. It wasn't enough to hurt, just to remind me he wasn't letting go until he was finished. Wasn't that just like him? He got to decided everything. It didn't matter what I wanted, how I felt. All he cared about was himself.

  I continued to glare at him. I would not back down, wasn't going to cower from him. I knew he wouldn't ever hurt me, and that knowledge spurred me on. All this anger and frustration had been building up inside me for so long finally came out all at once. "Just leave me alone, okay? You were the one who wanted to get a divorce, so let's just get one. You obviously don't want to be married to me, so why should I force you to stick around, huh?"

  Nick is stunned into silence as he continued to stare at me. He opened and closed his mouth a few times before he finally found the words he wanted. "Where is this coming from?" he asked, his low voice a stark contrast to my yelling.

  "It's pretty obvious you don't want me," I shot back at him. "I mean, come on, Nick. You treat me like I'm some child you're afraid to break. I'm not a kid anymore! I'm standing here naked and all you can think to say is for me to go get dressed! Obviously you don't want to be my husband. You just want to be friends or whatever, and that's fine. But if that's why you want, then why should we even bother to keep up this charade?"

  Before I could even take another breath, Nick had me pinned up against the wall. He held both of my arms above my head as he looked down into my eyes, his hard body pressed against me. But it wasn't just his muscular physique that was hard and pushing against me. "Does this look like I don't want you?" he growled. This close, I was sure he could feel my pounding heart, but he kept going. "God, Gabbie. It's all I can do to keep my hands off you. Maybe we should get a divorce. Then I won't constantly be fighting back the urge to drag you off to bed."

  My body acted on its own, without any input from my brain. One moment I'm angry and want to hit him. The next, I'm standing on my toes, pressing my lips against his, kissing him like I've dreamed of for so long. Nick still held my hands above my head, but I pressed the rest of my body even tighter against his as I kissed him, unable to control myself any longer.

  And Nick kissed me right back. After a moment's pause, his tongue pushed into my mouth as the two of us made out like a pair of randy teenagers. He held onto my wrists for a few moments longer, then released them, his arms going around my body and holding me. I squirmed against him as we continued to kiss, only Nick's jeans and polo shirt separating our two bodies.

  Then, he scooped me up into his arms like I weighed nothing at all. I wrapped my legs around his waist and kissed him even harder as he carried me upstairs. My entire body was on fire, the needs I'd been fighting against for so long unable to stay buried anymore. I'd waited so long for this moment, dreamt about it for years. Now it was finally coming to life. It may not have been the way I wanted it, but it would be more than enough to sate the beast inside me.

  Nick didn't break the kiss for a moment until he set me down on the bed. Even then, I barely had time to let out a whimper before he'd stripped his shirt off and was right back to kissing me. His pants and boxers followed suit, then the two of us worked our way up the bed, our naked bodies pressed together.

  I moaned into Nick's mouth, unable to control myself. Squirming against him, I reveling in feeling his hard muscles pressed against me. Then, he shifted until his cock was right against my pussy, and I thought I was going to pass out right then and there. The fire inside me lashed out as I moaned and squeezed my eyes shut, trying to keep some semblance of control over myself.

  God, I wanted him inside me so badly. It was all I could think about. Arching my hips up, I ground against his cock, shivering as it slid up and down against my pussy. Already, I was right on the edge of coming, but I didn't care. Even if I lost myself righ
t that moment, it wouldn't be enough to stop me. Nothing would stop me until I had Nick deep inside me.

  Despite that, I couldn't wait forever though. I needed him inside me soon. Otherwise, I would go insane.

  Finally, I had to break the kiss, gasping for air. I locked eyes with Nick, seeing that primal need inside him. I wasn't the only one on edge. Nick needed this just as badly as I did. "Fuck me," I told him, my words shaky but clear.

  Nick looked at me for what felt like hours, then nodded. I saw him swallow as he shifted to reach between us, grasping his cock.

  Air was knocked from my lugs as he lined himself up with my entrance. I gritted my teeth, balling my hands into fists, as I braced myself for what I knew was about to happen. Slowly, far slower than I ever wanted, Nick pushed his hips forward. His cock slid inside me as I moaned out, fire burning my vision white as pleasure ripped through my body.

  I'd dreamed of this day for so very long, more times than I could count, wondering what it would be like to finally have my first time with a man, with Nick. And yet, not one of those dreams came even close to reality. Nothing could have ever prepared me for this moment. The pleasure that tore through my body in waves was indescribable, beyond anything I'd ever felt before. It was a miracle I stayed conscious during those first few moments as the sheer force of the sensations threatened to overwhelm me.

  Then, he was inside me. His entire length was buried to the hilt inside me, and I was the happiest woman on the planet. I wrapped my arms around him again, pulling our bodies tight together, and kissed him. Nick kissed me right back, our tongues dancing as the two of us fought to ground ourselves in reality again.

  Without warning, Nick shifted, pulling his hips back. I moaned into his mouth as his cock slid almost out of me. Before I could break the kiss and voice my displeasure though, he slammed forward again, and all the air in my lungs was forced out as the world around me spun. Over and over he repeated the motion, building into a rhythm.